- class xia_engine_postgresql.engine.PostgresEngine
PostgreSQL Engine
- Connection Parameters:
- Should be hold in the class attribute class._sqlite = {“db”: “”, “path”: “”}
db: Database name, default database name is “”
kwarg: Where the database should be stored, default is in memory
- __init__()
(document_class, analytic_model)Run the analytic model
(document_class[, location, ...])Backup data of a model.
(operations, originals)Data Batch Modification
(document_class, analytic_request[, ...])Compile the analysis request
([document_class])Connect to the engine
(document_class, db_content[, doc_id])Create a document
(document_class)Create Collection if needed
(table_name, field_dict, ...)Create table
(document_class, db_content[, ...])Convert data from database form to display form
(document_class, doc_id)Delete a document by using id
(document_class)Drop the given collection
([connection_factory, ...])Create a new database connection.
(document_class, *args)Get document one by one from a list of document id
(document_class, doc_id)Get Document
([document_class])Get engine connection。 Always using existed one when it is possible
(field[, inner_field])Get Decoder for a field
(field[, inner_field])Get Encoder for a field
(document_class, model_condition)Get SQL to be executed by using provided data model
(document_class, _acl_queries, ...)Get SQL to be executed by using provided data model
(document_class, doc_id[, timeout])Lock entries for write
(document_class[, start, end, purge, ...])Merge data from log section into main table
(data_content, data_model, ...)Parse database result to db content (json format)
(db_content, data_model, ...)Split database content to multiple table update instruction
(key)Reference to search method for the specifications
(key)Reference to update method for the specifications
(document_class, task_list)Data replication
(document_class[, location, ...])Restore data of a model
(_document_class[, _acl_queries, _limit])Scan the document class and get the document id list
(_document_class, *args[, ...])Searching and yield document by document
(document_class, doc_id, db_content)Overwrite whole document
(document_class)Remove all data from the given collection
(document_class, doc_id)Release the for write
(_document_class, _doc_id, **kwargs)Update a document
(document_class, db_content, ...)Update document id to new value
- classmethod analyze(document_class: Type[BaseDocument], analytic_model: dict) list
Run the analytic model
- Parameters
analytic_model – Analyze model
document_class – (subclass of BaseDocument): Document definition
- Returns
Result as list of dictionary
- classmethod backup(document_class: Type[BaseDocument], location: Optional[str] = None, data_encode: Optional[str] = None, data_format: Optional[str] = None, data_store: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)
Backup data of a model. The real implementation must use kwargs to distribute loads
- Parameters
document_class (subclass of BaseDocument) – Document definition4
data_encode (str) – Backup Data Code
data_format (str) – Backup Data Format
data_store (str) – Backup Data Store location
location (str) – Data location to e used by data store
**kwargs – parameter to be passed at engine level
- classmethod batch(operations: list, originals: dict)
Data Batch Modification
The data will be updated at once or rolled back
- Parameters
operations – List of operations to be done * op: Operation type. “S” = set, “I” = create, “D” = delete, “U” = update * cls: Document Class * doc_id: Document ID * content: Document Content in Database form
originals – Dictionary (Help to roll back) * class: document class name * id: document id * content: document db form
- Returns
return True amd empty message if batch is successful, else False with error message
- classmethod compile(document_class: Type[BaseDocument], analytic_request: dict, acl_condition=None)
Compile the analysis request
- Parameters
document_class (subclass of BaseDocument) – Document definition
analytic_request – analytic request
acl_condition – Extra where condition given by user acl objects
- Returns
A analytic model which could be executed by the engine
- classmethod connect(document_class: Optional[Type[BaseDocument]] = None)
Connect to the engine
- Parameters
document_class – (subclass of BaseDocument): Document definition
- Returns
- classmethod create(document_class: Type[BaseDocument], db_content: dict, doc_id: Optional[str] = None)
Create a document
- Parameters
document_class (subclass of BaseDocument) – Document definition
db_content (dict) – content to be put to engine
doc_id (str) – Having predefined doc id, None means could be generated by engine
- Returns
Document ID
- classmethod create_collection(document_class: Type[BaseDocument])
Create Collection if needed
- Parameters
document_class – document_class
- classmethod create_table(table_name: str, field_dict: dict, document_class: Type[BaseDocument])
Create table
- Parameters
table_name – table name to be created
field_dict – dictionary of field information
document_class – document_class
- classmethod db_to_display(document_class: Type[BaseDocument], db_content: dict, lazy: bool = True, catalog: Optional[dict] = None, show_hidden: bool = False)
Convert data from database form to display form
- Parameters
document_class – Document class
db_content – Database Content
lazy – Lazy Mode
catalog – Data Catalog
show_hidden – Show hidden member or not
- Returns
document in display form
- classmethod delete(document_class: Type[BaseDocument], doc_id: str)
Delete a document by using id
- Parameters
document_class (subclass of BaseDocument) – Document definition
doc_id – Document ID
- classmethod drop(document_class: Type[BaseDocument])
Drop the given collection
- Parameters
document_class (subclass of BaseDocument) – Document definition
- engine_connector(connection_factory=None, cursor_factory=None, **kwargs)
Create a new database connection.
The connection parameters can be specified as a string:
conn = psycopg2.connect(“dbname=test user=postgres password=secret”)
or using a set of keyword arguments:
conn = psycopg2.connect(database=”test”, user=”postgres”, password=”secret”)
Or as a mix of both. The basic connection parameters are:
dbname: the database name
database: the database name (only as keyword argument)
user: user name used to authenticate
password: password used to authenticate
host: database host address (defaults to UNIX socket if not provided)
port: connection port number (defaults to 5432 if not provided)
Using the connection_factory parameter a different class or connections factory can be specified. It should be a callable object taking a dsn argument.
Using the cursor_factory parameter, a new default cursor factory will be used by cursor().
Using async*=True an asynchronous connection will be created. *async_ is a valid alias (for Python versions where
is a keyword).Any other keyword parameter will be passed to the underlying client library: the list of supported parameters depends on the library version.
- engine_connector_class
alias of
- classmethod fetch(document_class: Type[BaseDocument], *args)
Get document one by one from a list of document id
- Returns
An iterator for id, document dictionary pair
- Comments:
when doc id is empty, it is probably because that the user only has partial read authorizations
- classmethod get(document_class: Type[BaseDocument], doc_id: str)
Get Document
- Parameters
document_class (subclass of BaseDocument) – Document definition
doc_id – Document ID
- Returns
Document content on python dict
- classmethod get_connection(document_class: Optional[Type[BaseDocument]] = None)
Get engine connection。 Always using existed one when it is possible
- Parameters
document_class – (subclass of BaseDocument): Document definition
- Returns
- classmethod get_decoder(field: type, inner_field: Optional[type] = None) callable
Get Decoder for a field
- Parameters
field (type) – class type of field class
inner_field (type) – class type of inner field (Such qs ListField)
- Returns
Decoder function
- classmethod get_encoder(field: type, inner_field: Optional[type] = None) callable
Get Encoder for a field
- Parameters
field (type) – class type of field class
inner_field (type) – class type of inner field (Such qs ListField)
- Returns
Encoder function
- classmethod get_model_sql(document_class: Type[BaseDocument], model_condition: dict, acl_condition: Optional[dict] = None)
Get SQL to be executed by using provided data model
- Parameters
document_class – document_class
model_condition – Search criteria defined by model
acl_condition – Search condition given by acl
- Returns
SQL statement and the values to be put in the place holder
- classmethod get_search_sql(document_class: Type[BaseDocument], _acl_queries: list, _limit: int, **kwargs)
Get SQL to be executed by using provided data model
- Parameters
document_class – document_class
_acl_queries – User Access List Queries
_limit – Data limit
**kwargs – Search criteria
- Returns
SQL statement and the values to be put in the place holder
- classmethod lock(document_class: Type[BaseDocument], doc_id: str, timeout: Optional[int] = None)
Lock entries for write
- Parameters
document_class (subclass of BaseDocument) – Document definition
doc_id (str) – Having predefined doc id, None means could be generated by engine
timeout – Timeout for lock
- Returns
return True amd empty message if lock is successful, else false with error message
- Comments:
Lock need based engine implementation
- classmethod merge(document_class: Type[BaseDocument], start: Optional[float] = None, end: Optional[float] = None, purge: bool = False, criteria: Optional[dict] = None)
Merge data from log section into main table
- Parameters
document_class – (subclass of BaseDocument): Document definition
start (timestamp) – Starting time point
end (timestamp) – Ending time point
purge – will remove the entries from log table after execution
criteria – only merge the given criteria
- Comments:
This method is designed to keep a high consistency data. All replicated data is kept on the log table. Only merge the data into main table when passed the consistency check
- classmethod parse_content(data_content: dict, data_model: dict, key_values: dict)
Parse database result to db content (json format)
- Parameters
data_content – dictionary of entries for each table
data_model – Parsed data model
key_values – Key value to be filtered
- Result:
db form of data
- classmethod parse_data(db_content: dict, data_model: dict, key_value: dict, data_content: dict)
Split database content to multiple table update instruction
- Parameters
db_content – Data base content of document
data_model – Parsed data model
key_value – The key value should be added
data_content – Data content to be added
- Returns
Parsed data content
- classmethod parse_search_option(key: str)
Reference to search method for the specifications
- Parameters
key (str) –
- Returns
key, operator, order
- classmethod parse_update_option(key: str)
Reference to update method for the specifications
- Parameters
key (str) –
- Returns
key, update
- classmethod replicate(document_class: Type[BaseDocument], task_list: list)
Data replication
- Parameters
document_class – Python class of document
task_list – List of dictionary with the following keys: * id: document id * content: document db form * op: operation type: “I” for insert, “D” for delete, “U” for update, “L” for load
- Returns
- List of dictionary with the following keys:
id: document id
op: operation type: “I” for insert, “D” for delete, “U” for update, “L” for load
time: time when data is replicated
status: status code of HTTP protocol
- Return type
- classmethod restore(document_class: Type[BaseDocument], location: Optional[str] = None, data_encode: Optional[str] = None, data_format: Optional[str] = None, data_store: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)
Restore data of a model
- Parameters
document_class (subclass of BaseDocument) – Document definition
data_encode (str) – Backup Data Code
data_format (str) – Backup Data Format
data_store (str) – Backup Data Store location
location (str) – Data location to e used by data store
**kwargs – parameter to be passed at engine level
- classmethod scan(_document_class: Type[BaseDocument], _acl_queries: Optional[list] = None, _limit: int = 1000, **kwargs)
Scan the document class and get the document id list
- Parameters
_document_class (subclass of BaseDocument) – Document definition
_acl_queries (list) – Extra queries calculated from user’s access control list
_limit (int) – Limited the scan results
**kwargs – Named arguments are search string
- Notes for search string:
key, str pair: single value search
key, list pair: array_contains_any search
embedded search: a__b means b component of a. a.b means the key’s name is a.b
- operators: key is end with __op__. The following op are supported:
__eq__: Could ignore because it is a by default behavior
__lt__, __le__, __gt__, __ge__, __ne__: as is supposed by the name
__asc__, __desc__: the result will be ordered by the fields
- Attentions:
The complex query might raise compatible issues
- classmethod search(_document_class: Type[BaseDocument], *args, _acl_queries: Optional[list] = None, _limit: int = 50, **kwargs)
Searching and yield document by document
- Parameters
_document_class (subclass of BaseDocument) – Document definition
*args – Unnamed arguments are document id
_acl_queries – Extra queries calculated from user’s Access Control List
_limit – Search result is limited
**kwargs – Named arguments are search string
- Notes for search string:
key, str pair: single value search
key, list pair: array_contains_any search
embedded search: a__b means b component of a. a.b means the key’s name is a.b
- operators: key is end with __op__. The following op are supported:
__eq__: Could ignore because it is a by default behavior
__lt__, __le__, __gt__, __ge__, __ne__: as is supposed by the name
__asc__, __desc__: the result will be ordered by the fields
- Attentions:
The complex query might raise compatible issues
- classmethod set(document_class: Type[BaseDocument], doc_id: str, db_content: dict) str
Overwrite whole document
- Parameters
document_class (subclass of BaseDocument) – Document definition
doc_id – Document ID
db_content – content to be put to engine
- Returns
Document ID
- classmethod truncate(document_class: Type[BaseDocument])
Remove all data from the given collection
- Parameters
document_class (subclass of BaseDocument) – Document definition
- classmethod unlock(document_class: Type[BaseDocument], doc_id: str)
Release the for write
- Parameters
document_class (subclass of BaseDocument) – Document definition
doc_id (str) – Having predefined doc id, None means could be generated by engine
- Returns
return True amd empty message if lock is successful, else false with error message
- Comments:
Unlock need based engine implementation
- classmethod update(_document_class: Type[BaseDocument], _doc_id: str, **kwargs) dict
Update a document
- Parameters
_document_class (subclass of BaseDocument) – Document definition
_doc_id (str) – Document ID
**kwargs – Named keyword for update
- Returns
Updated data
- Notes for delete string:
embedded update: a__b means b component of a. a.b means the key’s name is a.b
- operators: key is end with __op__. The following op are supported:
__append__: Append an item to array
__remove__: Remove an item
__delete__: Delete the field
- classmethod update_doc_id(document_class: Type[BaseDocument], db_content: dict, old_id: str, new_id: str)
Update document id to new value
- Parameters
document_class (subclass of BaseDocument) – Document definition
db_content – content to be put to new engine
old_id – old document id
new_id – new document id
- Returns
new_document_id if the process is successful
- Comments:
By default, we return old id(not implemented). When it is implemented in the Engine, will return new document id